Today we went to the reception hall to help with set-up. Not everyone who has an almost-5-year-old and a 2-year-old would think that she could be helpful at a reception hall set-up for 2 1/2 hours. However, Hannah and Naomi behaved beautifully, spending the first hour or so coloring and the rest of the time watching napkin folding (which is what I spent most of my time doing) and helping to put the napkins out on the tables. They both enjoyed themselves thoroughly and were not really interested in leaving, but naptime calls, so we headed home.
The only part that Naomi didn't really enjoy was that there were a lot of heretofore unknown men helping out. Tim (the groom) has 5 brothers, so they were all there, plus several of Heidi and Tim's male friends. There were female friends, too, but Naomi is okay with women she doesn't know. She also thought that Heidi's dad was fine -- once I explained that he was Heidi's dad. But she would scowl at any other male in her vicinity. And she has a most amusing scowl.
Hannah, at one point while she was going back and forth, setting out napkins, said, "I LOVE being a flower girl and getting to help set up!"
They both got a couple of pieces of watermelon for their efforts, and I think they felt well rewarded.
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