Saturday, July 19, 2008


in the park was a hit with our whole family. We went to see 12th Night. Hannah loved it and wanted the entire story RETOLD to her immediately after the play ended. She stood for most of it, convinced that she'd get a better view while standing. She ended up sitting down for the last 30 minutes or so (it was 2 1/2 hours!) so that she could eat the dinner I'd packed for her, but other than that, she wanted the best view. I was wondering whether she'd mind that she couldn't necessarily get all of the language, but she remained absolutely entranced throughout.

Naomi enjoyed it, once she figured out that the characters weren't going to be anywhere near her. Also, she was completely intrigued with characters going "offstage," especially since offstage was off to the side in the park or in a tent that had been set up to the other side. "Not want them to hide right now." Well, sweetie, we don't have a lot of control over when they hide and when they don't. She did end up drawing with markers during the last bit, since she was getting a bit bored.

Michael and I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it was an absolutely beautiful summer day for it -- sunny, but not too hot, and we had a spot in the dappled shade. Aaahhh.

At the end, the players always ask for donations and fan out through the audience to collect. I gave Hannah some money to donate, but she was too shy, so she gave it to Naomi, who happily walked up to the woman who was nearby, said, "Excuse me," and handed her the money with a beatific smile on her face. I don't think they normally get 2 year olds donating. The woman was a bit surprised.

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