Saturday, November 1, 2014


Our crew had a couple of low-grade fevers, but that did not dampen their costume enthusiasm.  It did rearrange our Halloween schedule so that we weren’t coming into contact with as many people.  However, we managed to have a fun Halloween, despite fevers.IMG_9751

Naomi, the squirrel.  (Costumes are all made by Grandma Ellie.  Thank goodness!  I’m not sure I could have pulled off a squirrel, but this one even has a really awesome tail.)


Simmo Baggins, the Hobbit.  His knife and scabbard were provided by his oldest sister. 


Eilonwy.  Did I spell that right?  She’s a princess from the Lloyd Alexander book series.  The bauble was made in a joint effort by Hannah and Michael and really glows!  Two different colors! 


Elsa, the princess from Frozen.  She’s actually quite a happy princess, but in this picture she’s trying to get her special Elsa fingernails into the photo.  Here’s a better shot:


These were an inspired gift from Aunt Barbie. 


Felix went as a cute baby this year.  I think he’s pretty believable, and he wore his costume ALL DAY…dedication to the craft, you know.  He also had his special outfit with jack o’lanterns on it. 

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