Friday, October 21, 2011

Family Movie Night

We’ve been having family movie night on Friday nights for several weeks now.  The kids really enjoy it, and it’s a great incentive for cleaning the house and getting showers done.  It’s a pleasantly relaxing way to end a hectic week, too. 

Except when it becomes family suspense/horror movie night. 

In my defense, I think that Naomi could turn almost any movie into a suspense/horror flick.  This time, though, I picked The Muppet Movie, and it appears to be singularly suspenseful.  I’m not sure what she thinks is going to happen, but she freaks out about Doc Hopper, even when he’s not around.  When the muppets are at the fair, enjoying themselves and watching Miss Piggy win the beauty pageant, Naomi is convinced that something terrible is going to happen, “I’m worried.  What’s going to happen?  Are they going to get Kermit?”  Again, this would be appropriate for a scary movie, but Naomi is not familiar with movie genres, so assuring her that it’s a comedy goes nowhere. 

Then there’s Hannah, who has turned it into a tear-jerker.  “Mama, I don’t think you should have shown me this movie.  I’m too sad for the monster who wanted to go to Hollywood and got left behind.”

Simeon, on the other hand, is Kermit the Frog.  He spent the few minutes between the end of our movie time (we didn’t watch the whole thing, just 45 minutes) and lights out reminding us, “I’m not Sim, I’m Kermit.” 

“Okay, Kermit, get in here and brush your teeth.”

At least he likes the movie.

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