Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dental visit

This morning was Hannah and Naomi's dentist appointment. It was Naomi's first time. This is what the kids were saying this morning:

Hannah: I LOVE going to the dentist! I LOVE going to the dentist!
Naomi: It won't hurt. It's not going to hurt.

Naomi had to be reassured often on this count; why she thought Hannah would LOVE something that hurt is beyond me, but Hannah also likes things like brussels sprouts, so Naomi can't necessarily trust her judgment, I guess.

Hannah went first and did very well, no cavities. Naomi watched and decided she didn't like the look of the rinsing, so when it was her turn, she began to panic. I had luckily put the stroller in the car this morning, so I got it and put Sim into so I could hold Naomi's hand and reassure her that it would be okay. We started with just having the hygenist look in her mouth with the mirror, and once she got found that didn't hurt, she did very well and didn't even mind the rinsing. She doesn't have cavities either, so they're both excited about that.

PLUS, they got balloons and a little toy and new toothbrushes and floss and flossers. They were quite happy with their loot. Naomi, since it was her first time, also got a pen (her "dentist pen," she calls it) and a booklet for me to read called Your Child's Teeth or something like that. I haven't read it yet, because Hannah took it and spent the ride home reading it, walked into the house reading it, and spent the time I was getting Sim down for his nap finishing it up. When I looked in at what she was reading, it was a section on dental emergencies. Good reading.

So after the dentist, here's what they were saying:

Hannah: I wish we could go to Dr. Wong's EVERY WEEK! Wouldn't that be great? Did you see Dr. Wong? She's more beautiful this time than I remembered. Maybe she has a new haircut.
Naomi: LOOK! My dentist pen. Can I bring my balloon in the house? Look! My new toothbrush. This is a floss-er and this is flo-oss.

There's a reason pediatric dentists are doing booming business these days -- I don't think I ever loved going to the dentist!

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