Sunday, April 26, 2015

The bottomless pit of food

Our children have started eating voraciously this spring.  Perhaps it's our paleo-ish food choices, or the season, or a growth spurt, but it's starting to seem impossible to keep them fed.

Case in point: after a big breakfast on Saturday, Simeon and I had a chance to go out for brunch together, and we weren't going to pass that up.  I figured we'd have a light meal. 

Simeon figured he would have two eggs, two strips of bacon, hash browns, and a mug of cocoa.

Clearly, he's ready to dig in.

And 13 minutes later, it's gone.

What the heck?  Where did it all go?  We'd eaten a big breakfast not two hours before.  Not only had he demolished his brunch, but he was asked for my leftovers.  Amazing.

The children have started calling themselves "bottomless pits of food" and "the ravaging horde" -- and who am I to argue?

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