Sunday, August 10, 2014

Answer Me This: Summer, Pie, Sleep, Libraries

Kendra's asking questions again this week! 

1. What do you still want to do this summer?

Well, I started the summer (truly, it was June 21) by giving birth. From there, my summer plans changed quite a bit, so I've spent most of the summer since then recovering from the endometritis and sepsis that followed.  Technically, I have a huge list of things I still want to do this summer, because I haven't gotten to do really any of the things I thought I'd be doing.

But, realistically what I still want to do this summer is get my gall bladder out. I normally am not a fan of the idea of surgery, but I've had three gall bladder attacks this summer (gall stones probably developed because I lost a lot of weight suddenly in the ICU), and I really WANT this thing out.  And guess what?  That's what I get!  Then I want to recover some more and be well enough to spend some time outdoors for longer than a few minutes before the rain starts again.  I know, I know!  Ambitious!

2.  What's your favorite kind of pie?

Oh, pie.  Mmmm.  I think my favorite is raspberry rhubarb, which I discovered because Hannah and Naomi sell pie as a fundraiser for their AHG troop.  And oh man are those pies good!  But raspberry rhubarb is the best.  I really like most fruit pies.  Pumpkin and pecan -- good, but not up there with the fruit pies. 

3.  How much sleep do you need each day?  How much do you get?

I think I need 7 or 8 hours. Before Felix came, I was getting that mostly at night, with a nap of 30-60 minutes during the day.  After Felix came, I spent some time in the hospital, running some major fevers in the night in the ICU, which = sleeping in naps stolen during the day. After I got home, I spent most of my time in bed, sleeping a lot of that.  Now that I'm much more recovered, I'm actually sleeping pretty well -- Felix is a great sleeper at night! -- and occasionally I'll still nap during the day.

I find that if I get consistently less sleep than I need, I have to frequent the Sacrament of Confession far more and my family doesn't like to be around me.  So I make sleep a priority for me, and I also prioritize everyone else in the family getting sleep, too.  Nothing like lost sleep to really fray the edges, ya know?

4.  Do you prefer to swim in a pool, lake, river, or ocean?

Pool or lake.  I don't really prefer working against the waves or the current when I swim.  I actually prefer lake over pool, too.  I'm not sure exactly why except that I often lean towards the more natural experience -- like I prefer hiking in the woods to walking in a neighborhood. 

5.  Do you know any poems by heart?

Yes.  And I'm often surprised at how they come back after years.  We'll be doing more poetry memorization this school year, too (I hope), so I'll probably have more by this time next year.

6.  Do you use the public library?

Do I!  Yes.  The kids consider a trip to the library as one of the best outings EVER.  Which is fine with me, although I sadly can't just turn them loose and let them choose whatever they lay their hands on.  Also, I LOVE that I can put books on hold download audiobooks and books for my Kindle from the comfort of my own home whenever I have time to be on the computer.  I love to read, but I don't want to own every book I read...LIBRARY! 

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