Linking up with Jen this week!
1. This week had Footwear Arrival Day for me, on which day my new slippers and two new pairs of shoes all arrived in the mail. The shoes are fine, but I’m in love with my new slippers! My last slippers, which I’d had for probably 10 years, had finally begun to fall apart at the seams, and I desperately needed new ones.
We’re all sufficiently impressed that I can take pictures of my feet around my 28-weeks-pregnant belly, aren’t we?
2. Speaking of footwear, Hannah got very creative on our trip last weekend. She hadn’t brought boots, and there were lots of places that she wanted to go at low tide that made water leak into her shoes. So the next day, she wrapped her feet in plastic bags:
I love that kid.
3. Tess was eating breakfast yesterday morning when she dropped a chunk of apple on the floor. Did she say, “Oops”? No. “Apple down!”
4. I found my very first sand dollar last weekend! I always wanted to find one, and now I have. Naomi brought it home with the other sea shells she gathered.
Hannah and Naomi both also found their first sand dollars, and their second, third, etc. Some were still alive – identified as such by Hannah, who reads a ton and so was able to instruct Naomi, when she found her first, “Look on the back. If there is no hole and there are hairs, it’s still alive.” This was good for Naomi, since she didn’t want to bring home a live sand dollar and her mother had no idea how to tell the difference.
5. Tess is officially obsessed with her square dress.
Yes, cute and all, but these pictures were not taken on the same day. They were taken on consecutive days. And Tess is wearing the same outfit. Not entirely, because she’s allowed us to suggest that she change her undies, shirt, and pants, but the square dress MUST and WILL be worn at all times. Even the Valentine’s day dress hasn’t been enough of a draw to get her out of the square dress. It’s in the wash today. Wish me luck.
6. Throwing rocks in the water: a timeless classic.

7. While on our mini vacation, we went out to dinner at a very tasty restaurant on the island.
We all tried mussels for the first time. (Well, except for Tess, who declined.) I wonder what gave us the idea?
Naomi was extremely skeptical. She is our least experimental eater, and mussels don’t LOOK good, so they must not TASTE good. (I cannot WAIT until she outgrows this idea. Can’t WAIT.) But I finally convinced her to try a small one, and then she at 5 or 6 more. Sim decided they tasted fine, but didn’t like the texture. The rest of us liked them, too.