Thursday, February 13, 2014

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real – Snow!

Joining the lovely ladies at Like Mother, Like Daughter again this week.



This plum tree in our back yard is spectacular in spring and lovely in summer.  In winter, it usually just gets to be branches against the sky – picturesque in its own way – but with the snow over the weekend it turned into a beautiful piece of the landscape once again.  You almost don’t notice the toys underneath it.  I guess this is both {pretty} and {real}.



Since we get almost no snowfall here, the kids are always ecstatically happy when it comes.  The snow began falling Saturday night at dinner, and it was too dark and not plentiful enough to enjoy then, but Sunday was a different story.  Tess likes to go out in the snow because it mostly involves the other kids pulling her in the sled while she orders them around. 


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Naomi plays dentist, complete with reclining chair for the patient.  Yes, her dental tools are pens.  Yes, she explained about what she was doing to the stuffed animal as she did it. 



I was a little too excited about getting my garden started, I guess, because that trellis that’s halfway built between those two beds has peas planted along it.  In my defense, I still think they’ll be fine, and I’ve planted peas this early with no problems before.  It’s just that it’s somewhat funny to look out at what should be my bed of peas and see…snow.  Also, our plan had been to finish the trellis this past weekend.  It turns out that we did NOT finish it in the snow.  Strange.

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