Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas for Naomi


Naomi couldn’t wait to get the tree trimmed on Christmas Eve. 


She ended up being Chief Ornament Unwrapper, uncovering new treasures every few seconds (and stressing out Hannah, who felt like the backlog was getting too big). 


She’s holding up one of her baby ornament pictures.  I have a tradition of doing a Christmas photo frame with each of the kids each year.  Although I’m a bit behind…But this ornament is Naomi, eating the limb of a doll at her first Christmas.


Thursday of the week before Christmas, I suddenly realized I hadn’t done anything about clothes for the kids for Christmas.  ACK!  Sim and Tess wore hand-me-downs, Sim from his local cousin, Tess from Hannah.  I also had a different hand-me-down from Hannah from Christmas past, so I offered that to Naomi.  “Oh, no, Mama!  I want to wear something to match Hannah, like usual!”  So here’s my summer dress to Christmas dress hack:  take a dress from 18 months ago, make sure the bodice still fits.  Then add a wide red stripe at the bottom and a bow at the waist.  Voila!  Christmas dresses!  They look a bit nightgown-ish to me, or maybe like Clara’s dress in the Nutcracker, and the girls both loved them.  Thank goodness.  


Naomi’s gifts were a big hit this year.

IMG_7465 ROLLERBLADES!  Very exciting.

IMG_7477 IMG_7487

Naomi wanted to shop with her own money for Christmas gifts for certain people this year.  She and Michael went shopping the week of Thanksgiving.  The balloon animal kit is what she chose for Hannah – and Hannah really liked it.  She got Sim a tape dispenser – another good choice.  It was really cute to see her figure it out, wrap it up, and get really excited about giving it. 

IMG_7492 Naomi’s been very into poetry lately, much more so than Hannah ever has.  This poetry book that she got warranted a few quiet moments away from the hubbub to peruse.

IMG_7495 She was great fun to watch, too, because she was very enthusiastic about her gifts.


Yellowstone cards and a Yellowstone walking stick for hikes!

IMG_7510 Being fairly naturally athletic, Naomi took to her new rollerblades with ease and grace.  She really likes them a lot.  She and Hannah have been logging lots of rollerblading hours in the last 5 days!

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