Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I had grand ideas about putting up a Halloween post the day after Halloween.  Then I left my camera at my sister’s house, and a Halloween post without pictures is not really a Halloween post, so I’m late, but at least there will be pictures. 

First, we have the arrival of the costumes and the initial try-on.  The costumes are made by Grandma Ellie, who takes such requests as Snowy Owl and runs with them.  I think I would probably have tried to figure out a different costume, but the kids don’t know how lucky they are that I’m not in charge of their costumes. 


The do love the ones Grandma Ellie makes.  Above, we’ve got the tiger and the lamb.  Tess wore her costume for the try-on, then again for 3 minutes at the party we attended the week before Halloween.  I wasn’t sure if she’d be willing to wear it on the day, but she got into the spirit of the thing. 


Hannah loved her Ranger costume.  The cape was a huge success. 


And she could hide whole siblings under it!


Naomi’s snowy owl – impressive!


My sister did the face paint for the tiger and the owl.  Technically, the lamb could have had some face paint, but we didn’t want to push our luck.


Again, the kids don’t know that, if their aunt was not a talented artist, their face paint would have been either nonexistent or poorly applied by their not-very-artistic mother.  The kids are blessed in their connections around Halloween!


I mean, really!  This is an awesome tiger!


The paint on Naomi’s face showed yellow owl eyes when her eyes were closed.  It was really cool.


He was a very fierce tiger.


The lamb brought Lima with her trick or treating, too.  It made it tricky to carry her – her costume was bulky to begin with, then there was Lima, then there was her candy bag.  She did enjoy getting candy, though.  Not that she’s going to get to eat it…but we didn’t tell her that.IMG_7277

Full snowy owl with eyes open…


…and closed.  Isn’t that cool?  I don’t think I’d have ever come up with that idea.  Genius.


Hannah, the Ranger.  Of course, you can’t really see her in this picture because of the camouflage. 


Michael made the knives for her belt.  She made the double holster.  We had to tell her that NO, she could NOT carry a machete trick-or-treating.  “But we have one in the garage!”  Availability was not the stumbling block on that one.


They were all excited to go, but in this picture, only Hannah looks it.  Not sure what was going on with everyone else.


Since Hannah’s allergic to a bunch of candy, we have a tradition to come home and do the Great Candy Swap, in which all our kids trade out the peanut candies they got, and Hannah trades out those plus all the other ones she can’t eat.  It’s become a beloved tradition to all, and my niece and nephew end up with a huge proportion of peanutty candy, something that would have made me very happy in my trick-or-treating days.

We were up late, and the kids’ behavior the next day did not convince me that we need to move bedtime later.  But we did have fun!  Thanks to Grandma Ellie and in-town aunt for their help!

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