Monday, January 21, 2013

Helping out


Long time, no post!


There’s a lot to catch up on.  The last few weeks didn’t lend themselves to a lot of time on the computer, so I haven’t been keeping up here…as you could tell. 


Which doesn’t mean that we haven’t been busy, of course.  One day in that time, I set out to dig out one of our window wells.  We have several, because the basement has some windows.  This particular window well had gotten more full of dirt and stones than was good for it…or really, more than was good for the basement.  When it rained, water was able to go over the sill and down the basement wall.  This is not a good situation, so I planned to dig it out. 


I encouraged the kids to come outside, of course.  It wasn’t raining – good time to go outside.  As soon as the tools came out, though, I had LOTS of interest.  I thought they might be interested, but I didn’t realize just HOW interested they’d be.


In fact, after the first two shovelsfull, I didn’t shovel at all.


The girls took turns pushing Tess around in the stroller when it wasn’t their turn to dig.


I did some other yard work – weeding, pruning, etc., occasionally taking a break to use the big shovel to loosen up the dirt and rocks so they could dig more.


The kids had a great time!  They counted the shovels each got so as not to have one get an unfair extra turn.  And the other day, as we were pulling into the driveway on our way home, they asked, “Mom, when are we going to get to dig out the other window wells?”

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