Monday, July 2, 2012


I talked a friend of mine (who played basketball in school) into doing summer basketball skills practices for girls around Hannah’s age. 


{Those of you who live nearby, you now have fair warning:  I will remember and then may ask you to use any skills you may choose to divulge to me that you have.  And you will find yourself playing basketball with 6 eager girls who don’t really know what the heck they’re doing.  Except that it won’t be basketball, of course, because I’ve already talked someone into doing that.  Snowshoeing.  Ice sculpting.  Sword swallowing.  Basket weaving.  Making sushi.  You name it, I’ll ask you to do a summer skills class.  You’ve been warned.  And now I will start to wonder why none of my friends do anything as a hobby…} 

Hannah had an absolutely fabulous time.  She loved it.  The other girls’ parents reported that they loved it, too.  It was really, really cute watching them play – they’re a bit all over the place, and several of them are somewhat shy of actually playing defense.  Not to mention that they don’t really understand the rules about double dribbling yet.  Or travelling.  Fouls aren’t a problem.  Yet. 


It was great watching my friend coaching them, too.  She said she enjoyed it.  Next time, though, we’re going to need some t-shirts for the scrimmages, because she couldn’t always tell who was on whose team.  Plus there’s a set of identical twins, which doesn’t make telling teams apart any easier. 

So we’ll be playing basketball two days a week for the month of July, and I have a feeling that the scrimmages will be a little more organized by the end of that time. 

1 comment:

Lee said...

I can teach sushi (California rolls).
All it will cost you is a plane ticket. Aren't you curious to know if the kids like sea weed?