Wednesday, March 28, 2012

We might need to have a talk about ends and means…

I told the kids the other day about an elderly neighbor of ours who is moving with his wife to an assisted living facility because of mobility issues.  I suggested that maybe we should send a note to them, and maybe we’d go visit once they got settled in.

Me:  Mr. B. is probably sad that he’s not going to be able to be in his garden this year.

Naomi:  Maybe we should take care of his garden for him!

Simeon:  Maybe we should buy him a wheel chair!

Me:  Um…maybe…

Naomi:  Simeon, a wheel chair would be very expensive! Maybe even a hundred dollars!

Simeon:  We could take it and not pay. 

At which point I thought to point out that maybe we should visit Mr. and Mrs. B. and see if they needed anything before we decide what to do for them.  Stealing wheel chairs isn’t going to be on the list in any case. 


Marty said...


Marty said...

May I please link to this on my blog?

Monica said...

Sure, Marty!