Monday, February 20, 2012

People who come to work at our house

have some interesting experiences, thanks to our kids.  And we often find things out about them that we wouldn’t know if we didn’t have the kids.

Right now, we have an architect, Rob, who’s working on measuring our house in preparation to make plans for some work we’re hoping to do in the next few years.  The kids couldn’t be more excited about it.

Mr. Rob is a good sport.  The kids all descend on him when he arrives.  Sim alternates between calling him Uncle Rob – since he does have an Uncle Rob – and “that man,” I presume because he can’t remember Rob’s name.   Hannah is trying to convince him to put a secret passage into the plans.  Naomi likes to show him her drawings.  Sim likes to follow him around, telling him about anything that pops into his little mind. 

We found out that Rob plays the banjo.  Naturally, this wasn’t in our questions as we talked to him about house plans.  Sim wanted Professor Banjo for his quiet time music, and Rob heard it and asked about it, saying he plays the banjo.  We also know that Rob is reading Redwall to his son, who is Hannah’s age.  

The thing I think is pretty cute in all of this is that the kids just assume that people who come to our house will be interested in them and will be interesting to them.  Nobody is exempted.

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