Friday, January 13, 2012


Hannah is working on her very first five-paragraph essay. 

Me:  Okay, with a new paragraph, start on a new line and indent.

H:  I did indent.

Me:  Indenting on the same line is hard to tell from just leaving a space, so we start on a new line.

H:  But that wastes paper.

She’s a serious ecologist if a waste of 3/4 of a line is that distressing to her.


I’m wearing a pair of pants from prepregnancy!  And they fit!


Warnings to Sim about outlets don’t necessarily sink in.

Naomi:  Sim, there’s ELECTRICITY in the outlet.

Hannah:  Yeah, don’t put your hand in there, or you might catch on fire.

Sim:  No I won’t.  The house might catch on fire, but not the kids. 

Hannah:  Yes, you might catch on fire!

Sim:  And be eaten by lions?

Ummm….turns out that getting eaten by lions is not one of the natural consequences of sticking fingers in outlets.


Naomi’s reading is progressing really well.  She’s starting the silent e with long vowel sounds rules now.  She thinks it’s great that there are some “disobedient” words, like have and give, that don’t listen to the rules. 


Tess’s two bottom teeth are through.  AND she’s pooped and peed on the potty more than once this week.  Also, she’s still really, really cute.


Michael has decided that getting paid for staying home on infant care leave is better than getting paid for actually working.  However, he’s not sure he’ll be able to convince his employer of this. 

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