Friday, November 18, 2011

Borrowing lines doesn’t always work

Tonight I used (again) a line that my mom used on us when we would say, “Why not?” to ridiculous things, like, “Don’t read a book at the dinner table with your family.”

I said, as my mom used to say to me, “Because I’m a mean old lady and I never want you to have any fun.”

Sim:  You’re not old.

Naomi:  You’re not a lady.

Haha!  Notice that nobody said, “You’re not mean.”  It wasn’t even that rough a day…

Naomi did add,  “Hahahah!  You’re a GENTLEMAN!”  So I’m hoping she was kidding about the part about me not being a lady.


And in other amusing dialogue today:

Hannah:  Sim, you’re being very contrary today.

Sim: I AM NOT!

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