Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Simeon turns 3


He’s happy to be a 3-year-old.  We had a party today – not a big one, but he didn’t mind.  It was lots of fun. 


Tess slept through most of the fun.  She was held by many of the partygoers.


One gift Sim got:  a knight costume.


Knights do not smile for the camera.


It was also Hannah’s Baptism Anniversary.  So we sang to her, too.  It was also the local uncle’s birthday.  (He’s not 3.)  So we sang to him, too.


Naomi didn’t have a special occasion today, but she was happy to bask in the party spirit, anyway.


Sim opted for dirt cake with gummy worms.  He may have liked the gummy worms more than the cake.  The dirt cake was a joint effort:  Gramps made the cupcakes (and pretty much all the party dinner, too!), Hannah crumbled them and added the decorations, and I provided the frosting, which looked like worm castings.

If you don’t know what worm castings are, they’re what they sound like.  Hey, don’t blame me, it’s dirt cake!


Sim’s godfamily joined us for the party, too.


They’re good friends.  It’s totally cute.


Dirt cake:  good. 

Another year off to a good start.

1 comment:

Babz said...

Sorry Sim's gift will be late. :(
He looks very cute & grown up.
Tess is looking doublechinalicious!
I'm seeing more of the Bernstein side coming out in her - she looks a bit like Aunt Kerrie (not the double chin part - :)).