Monday, January 10, 2011


I’m craving savory things, particularly beef.  Meatballs.  Mmm.  Asian beef dishes.  Mmmm.  Not steak, though.  Beef incorporated in a dish.  Yeah, and I still don’t want beef jerky.  I don’t like jerky when I’m not pregnant, either.  Gross!

I also had a ridiculously strong craving for homemade whole wheat bread and butter today.  We can easily do that one. 

I’m not interested in eating sweets.  Which is bizarre.  I have a box of Joe-Joe’s (like Oreos, but with a mint filling) that I got in my stocking from my dear husband.  Normally, that sort of thing would not last a week here, but it’s still in the cupboard.  Not full, since my weird food cravings and aversions didn’t start RIGHT at Christmas, but not gone, either.  Oh, and I made cookies and DIDN’T WANT ANY DOUGH.  And my sister was talking about Baskin Robbins’ peanut butter chocolate ice cream, and it didn’t sound good.  (Which is just as well, since Sim’s milk allergy means that I should avoid most dairy this pregnancy.)  This is much weirder than any cravings or aversions I’ve had in pregnancy before, but I guess it’s much healthier, too, so I shouldn’t complain. 

Of course, I still like the vegan cake doughnuts we get on Sundays, so I’m not entirely off sweets. 


Babz said...

a couple of local midwives here require their clients to be off sugar completely in pregnancy - I think the guideline is less than 5 g per meal. So you're doing well - less the vegan cake donuts. :)

Babz said...

the salt is for your increased blood level, but has your iron been tested (beef)?