Friday, November 12, 2010


The bunnies have been spayed.  Hildy is bouncing back.  Gypsy is slowly rolling back.  Hannah did a lot of research beforehand to know what to expect, and knows all about the need to possibly separate the bunnies, the need to get one of those collars for them, in case they’re chewing out their stitches, etc.

Hannah just said to me, “I guess now that we’re spayed…Wait!  Now that they’re spayed!”

I assured her I had no plans for spaying her.

Hannah replied, “If you did, I would chew the stitches out.”

I told her that I’d have to get her a Victorian collar if she did.

“Elizabethan collar, you mean.”

Did I mention she’d done her research?

1 comment:

a said...

Hilarious. I can hear the whole things going down. We love you Hannah-bu (and your whole family, of course).