Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A blur of motion

Since our bunnies are still little, we can't give them the run of the house. It's definitely not bunny-proof. So we are very careful not to let them loose.

Last Friday, I woke up weary. I had been up much too late the night before. But the alarm rang and I dragged myself downstairs. As I was brushing my teeth, I saw a blur of motion out of the corner of my eye. I thought, "Wow, I must be tired; I'm seeing things!" And I went on brushing my teeth. Then I looked squarely out the bathroom door.

There was Hildy the bunny, on the loose. She had escaped from her cage by pushing the door open. In fact, both bunnies were loose, with the whole run of the house to themselves. And only one tired man to catch them.

I find, as a father, that I sometimes have to put on the mantle of authority when talking to my children. This is what I had to do now: I put on the mantle of authority for the bunnies. I calmly walked over as though nothing were wrong, said hello, and scooped up Hildy. She seemed fine with it. I'm not sure she knew what to do with herself on the loose. I popped her back in the cage. Now, Gypsy had worked herself behind the cage, so I had to block up one side and then coax her out the other. I popped her back in, and the crisis was averted.

I couldn't tell Hannah at the time - she would have been horrified. But, this week we started letting the bunnies out under controlled circumstances, so the story can be told.

Beware the unexplained blur of motion.

1 comment:

Monica said...

My Love, thank you for not waking me up to help you catch the bunnies. You're the best!