Wednesday, August 11, 2010

More on Infant Potty Training

I mentioned before that we’re doing infant potty training with Simeon.  It’s going well.  Since Naomi finally fully potty trained around her 4th birthday last March, we’ve changed fewer than a dozen poopy diapers, and Sim is not yet two. 

Sometimes people say that infant potty training is more like parent training.  Heck, if it means that I change fewer poopy diapers, because the poop goes directly into the toilet, I’m happy to call it almost anything!  And traditional potty training definitely is parent training, too – how many times do I still have to remind my other kids to use the potty?  Lots.

Sim isn’t quite ready for diapers yet, but he does have days where he exclusively uses the potty, no wet (or poopy) diapers all day long.  He also knows when he needs to go, and although that doesn’t always get translated to telling us and getting to the potty (although it pretty much always does when he has to poop), it’s a large part of potty training.  His potty training is much smoother and easier than either of the girls’.

If God blesses us with more kids, I have a feeling infant potty training will be employed again.

1 comment:

Babz said... call it "having kids," but I call it "parent training."