We have a whole bunch of potted plants in the back yard. This is mainly because, when we moved into this house, we had the soil checked for lead. And…there was lead! However, we want to grow plants to eat. Lead + soil + plants = edible This means that we’re growing things in pots in the back yard, while we can plant directly in the soil in areas that are farther away from the house.
Potted plants need to be watered more frequently than ones that aren’t potted. And when the weather is over 90 degrees for several days in a row, they REALLY need to be watered.
This is good news, really, because my kids don’t seem to recognize that the only thing to do in hot weather like this is seek the coolest place to be and hold as still as possible there. Lots of menu planning, school planning, phone calls, emails, reading, letter writing, etc., can be done while holding still in a cool place, so it can still be productive time! Bike riding is for after 8 p.m., when it’s cool. My children do not see it that way. That might be because I put them to bed before 8 p.m., so they can’t really bike at that hour. I can, though, and that’s what I’ve been doing.
H: Can I go in the back yard?
Me: [suspicious] What are you going to do back there?
Now, really, I’m only suspicious because I can’t IMAGINE why on a day like today, anyone wants to be outside. It’s HOT out there! HOT! Of course, I forget about when I was younger and would work outside in the Texas heat all summer long with horses, for crying out loud. If there’s anything that makes one warmer when it’s 98 degrees and 98% humidity, it’s a large, hairy animal that requires all kinds of activity to keep it happy and safe. And then you add 20 small children in a day camp situation, and…okay. Let’s just say it’s hot.
I also realize that, if my children seek a cool place and stay there during the heat of the day, holding still, they will never, never, never go to sleep at night. They need lots of exercise, and I need them to go to sleep at night.
Happily, our back yard is in the shade during the afternoon, which means that my kids can go out there without having to be slathered with sunscreen first. Sunscreen is good in its place, but if it doesn’t need to be used, I’d much rather skip it.
How many tangents can I pursue in one blog post?
SO…once I agreed to let the kids outside, I then decided to give them something fun – and productive! – to do while they’re out there. I filled up a large metal thing with water and gave them our plastic cones and requested that they water the plants. The plastic cones were out there, and they hold water, which is why I chose them – available and useful, two qualities I like in toys.
They were happy to comply. At first it was all business. Fill bucket, use cones to water plants. I think that Simeon watered one pot of mint exclusively. If it doesn’t survive this heat wave, it will not be his fault.
Serious workers, seriously working. But pretty soon, I heard some other noises. Shrieks of laughter. Plant watering doesn’t usually involve shrieks of laughter, even with my kids watering.
Now, I was pretty sure this would happen, because I’ve had kids for a while now, and I had siblings and I babysat, and water + kids = wet kids, even if the water is supposedly contained. I must be getting ready to start math lessons again, with all the equations!
Hannah blithely yelled to me that “we’re putting water on each other!” And in the photo above, you can see her sloshing Naomi with water.
Happily, Naomi didn’t mind.

Poor Sim, though, being the shortest, got water poured over his head multiple times.

He didn’t mind too much, either.

I decided that the kids probably would tire of having their siblings pour water on them (funny how you tire of that faster than you tire of pouring water on your sibling…), so I provided a distraction, with some other fun water toys: cups, medicine syringes, measuring spoons, etc. I thought this might change things a bit as far as how the games were going. And it did!

Mostly. Here’s Naomi, delicately pouring a tablespoon of water on Hannah.

But for the most part, water fun has been highly successful.
Just ask me how I feel about it when I have to deal with wet, grassy children in a half an hour…