Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Sometimes Hannah gets grumpy.  Gasp!  I know.  Sometimes it’s totally understandable.  Sometimes it’s merely because her mom requested her to stop reading and do something else. 

Sometimes her mom says (in a very strange voice), “Uh-oh!  Somebody has the GRUMPIES!”  This is followed by chasing and tickling.  Actually, I don’t tickle her any more.  That happened the first time, but now just me saying the word is usually enough to help her out of the grumpies.  And if that’s not enough, a little chasing does the trick.  I try not to tickle overly much, because I really don’t like being tickled.

Now, whenever I say Hannah has the grumpies, she starts to laugh and try to reassure me that she’s NOT grumpy at ALL!  Naomi long since started joining in the quest to get rid of the grumpies, so when I mention grumpies, she heads over to add her tickles in.  Happily, none of the kids are actually very good at tickling, so Naomi’s attempts don’t tickle very much, but they do amuse Hannah.

Today, Simeon heard me say something about the grumpies, and he ran over to Hannah saying, “Tickle!  Tickle!”  That got rid of any grumpies in our house, since we were all laughing about how cute Simeon is.

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