Monday, May 31, 2010

We’re back again!

Today is Michael’s birthday.  Yesterday we returned from 9 days on the east coast.  Everyone is jet lagged.  This morning Sim woke up for the day at 4:30 a.m.  On the east coast, that’s 7:30, which is fairly reasonable.  But here, the number 4 as the first number on the clock is really painful, particularly since I had been up multiple times with Simeon in the night.  BUT, Michael got up with Sim (have I mentioned that he’s my hero?).  Then he brought Sim back up for a nap at 5 minutes to 6.  When Sim and I came back down at 7, he was playing his second game of chess for the morning.  The first one was against Hannah, the second one was against Naomi. 

I have a feeling that what Michael wants for his birthday is a nap. 

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