Wednesday, April 14, 2010

More talking

Sim is talking up a STORM these days.  He’s starting to do 3-word sentences, such as, “Doggie says WOOF!”  He also says things like, “Go see HanMimi,” “Go stairs,” “Come on,” “Come on girls,” [It cracks me up that he picked up the “girls” part, but I say that sort of thing on a regular basis, so it’s not too surprising, really.  But it’s still amusing, especially when he’s standing there, waving his arm in the “come on” gesture, and saying it.] “No thank you, Mommy.”

He’s picked up some other key words and phrases:

Me:  Sim?

Sim:  What?

Me:  Where are you?

Sim:  Right here.

Me:  Oh, be careful up there!

Sim:  All right.


One really amusing thing that he does is say “No Mommy no Mommy no Mommy no!”  Okay, that in itself is not so funny.  But he always says NO MOMMY, whoever he’s talking to.  If he’s annoyed enough to start that chant, it’s never anyone’s name but mine that he uses.  This is especially amusing when Michael’s getting him ready for bed and he’s reciting “No Mommy,” despite Michael’s best efforts to get him to say “No Daddy.”  That will come soon enough, I’m sure, and Michael will probably wish he was back to “No Mommy.”

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