Saturday, January 16, 2010

Time flies – Random thoughts

I realize that things have been somewhat quiet around here lately.  That’s mainly because things have been not-so-quiet (in a good way…mostly) around our house.  It’s also in part because our laptop decided to stop working reliably, which means that I get a bunch less computer time.  Sim is always willing to “help” me on the desktop, of course (“Button!  Button!  Button!”), but that doesn’t lead to intelligible blog posts, believe it or not. 

We’re in the January doldrums as far as weather goes.  It’s been pretty rainy here lately.  I took everyone out for a nature outing (in the rain, because you have to or you’re stuck inside a lot in the winter) last Thursday.  It didn’t last long.  It was also windy that day.  That meant that the nature outing – which was to watch birds flying – was highly successful:  there were lots of seagulls riding the air currents, and it was fun to watch.  From the comfort of the car.  The outside time was not so successful.  We were out walking around for about 10 minutes before the girls both wanted back in the car. 

We have had successful nature outings on rainy days before.  We went out and scouted out the new wetlands at Magnuson Park, which was pretty interesting.  We’d been watching them get put in, so it was interesting to see the final product.  Hannah and Naomi each had an umbrella, and I had an umbrella and Sim in the front pack.  It rained off and on, but we walked all over and checked things out, threw rocks in the water, and generally enjoyed the great outdoors.  So we’ll hope for better luck with nature outings this coming week. 

I realized a couple of days ago that Naomi’s 4th birthday is coming up.  How did that happen?  And then Hannah said something about Sim being a papoose for the next Halloween.  I told her he’d be 2 by then, and then had to check and be sure my math was right.  2?!?  Of course, Hannah herself is turning 7 this year, but we’re about halfway through year 6, so I’m used to 6 and 7 seems far off.  

And it’s very amusing to think that, this time 10 years ago, Michael and I hadn’t even met. 

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