Saturday, July 18, 2009


I'm home with Sim this weekend while Michael and the girls go camping. And I wonder...why did I think I was SO busy with one child? It's not even noon and I've taken a walk, a shower, and a nap, bathed Sim, gone out to breakfast, watered plants outside, run 3 loads of laundry, folded them and put them away, played with and fed and changed Sim (more than once for each of those!), talked to a couple of people on the phone, and entered the schedule for Hannah's choir next year into my calendar. Now I'm sitting down to do some things on the computer while Sim naps.

Okay, okay, I've come up with several reasons that I was busy as a mom of one:

1. I had major difficulty with breastfeeding for the first 9 months
2. Sim is the easiest baby in the world -- very adaptable and agreeable; I might not have been as busy if he'd been my first
3. It's difficult to have the efficiency of a mom of three when you're only a mom of one
4. My firstborn, bless her, did NOT get up daily at 5:45 (or before, like Sim did this morning). She slept until 8:30 or 9 daily for the first year and a half of her life...

But, really, it does amaze me.

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