Naomi is also a bit of a ham for the camera, although her smile for the camera tends to be a bit more...studied...or something. The other day, though, I let her loose with some new markers on the marker board, and she didn't notice as I began snapping away. (If you'd like to get really up close and personal with these photos, you can click on them and they'll get nice and big.)
I started a safe distance away, because I didn't want to tip her off and lose the concentrated look.
I got a little closer...can you see the slight pout with the lip? I love it! That's a signature part of the concentrated look for her.
She's so very into the markers. She was drawing a monster. Or fish? I can't remember. It's a bit tricky, too, because these days she draws lots of things. I have to ask her what it is, because to me they all look like little people. She does a great job with smiley faces and everything...but sometimes they're fish. Or monsters. But, looking at the photo, this looks more like it's just some swirls.
Ooop. She's on to me...but her concentrated face is still there.
Now we get the hint of a smile.
I've blown my cover now, so I may as well just move on in.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: THE HAM!!
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