Sunday, February 8, 2009


Kids often have irrational fears. For example, for a long time, Naomi has been deathly afraid of cows. She explained to me gravely that cows eat people. I have tried to tell her otherwise, but she seems to be clinging to the belief that cows are just waiting for one of us to get into their pasture before they pounce. She even screamed when we went into the cow barn at our state fair over the summer.

You would think that a girl who's scared of cows would be easily frightened of other things. The other day, Hannah was trying to elaborate about a scary monster.

Hannah: It will be a scary monster!
Naomi: I'm not scared of monsters.
Hannah: It will be as big as this table!
Naomi: I'm not scared of it.
Hannah: It will have claws!
Naomi: That's not scary.
Hannah: It will be as big as this whole house!
Naomi: Oh. That's not scary.

At this point, I decided that point-by-point scary monster descriptions were not perhaps going to be the best thing for the peaceful sleep of the children, so I decided to step in.

Me: What if it's a dog?
Naomi: Oh, I'm scared of dogs.

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