Friday, January 23, 2009

Fun Benefit of Homeschooling

At our house, Quiet Time is observed daily, usually right after lunch. I read to each of the girls and then they go into different rooms and play, read, or sleep (yeah, right!) for about an hour. The other day, I was putting Simeon down for a nap, so I asked them to wait for reading until I got out. Hannah offered to read to Naomi for Quiet Time, and Naomi quickly accepted. I came out of the room where Sim was peacefully sleeping and went to check on Naomi and Hannah. They were reading happily.

"Oh, you've chosen Rosie's Babies,that's a nice one." I said.

Hannah indicated the three other books on the bed, "And I'm going to read these ones, too, Naomi asked me to." Naomi looked up contentedly, and then the reading continued.

The next day, Naomi was offered a choice for readers at Quiet Time: Mama or Hannah? Hmmm...guess who was her pick?

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