Friday, May 9, 2008

Our kitchen floor

is vinyl of an amazingly active pattern. It's dark blue, off-white, and gold. I've mopped it before and been really disgusted by what I took from it. I mean, really grossed out by the amount of filth on the thing. And I always left off mopping before I was really satisfied that it was fully clean. Really. Yuck. It's disgusting.

OR I should say that it WAS really disgusting. Today, a friend of mine (and you'll see that she's a *really* good friend!) came over and HELPED ME SCRUB THE FLOOR! She actually did most of the scrubbing (although she did let me use the power scrubber -- that she brought! -- part of the time) with me doing the follow-up mopping.

So now I can rest easy that the floor, although it's still ridiculously ugly, is clean. It's not spotless, since a floor of this age and texture and pattern will probably never qualify as spotless, but it is clean, and that makes all the difference.

This also means that our house can officially become a no-shoe house, since I will no longer feel like our floors will irrevocably stain visitors' socks if I ask them to take off their shoes. Which in turn means that the floors all stay cleaner.

Didn't I tell you she is a great friend?

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