Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We found

our camera. Thank God! And thanks to a certain brother-in-law who suggested that I went to the new house the other day, did I set it down there? Indeed I did. Our contractor, who was there mudding the walls when I got there today, said he was wondering about it being there, and whether we didn't want it over Easter weekend. Well, we did, but that's okay. Some of the things we'll want to remember from this Easter we wouldn't have had a camera for anyway.

Like when the girls both got up at 6:30 and went downstairs, got their baskets, brought them up, and opened them on the floor of our room while Michael and I blearily cheered at each new find. They had the mercy to only turn on the hall light, not the light in our room. But there was no way, even had the camera been in the house, that I would have gotten up and fetched it at that point.

Or when both girls were singing along with all the songs at Mass and Naomi was doing all the parts, including the priest's, for certain sections of Mass. Very, very, very cute, but not really the time to whip out the camera.

Or when Naomi stuck her hand in the herb paste covering the yet-uncooked lamb. It's moments like those that soap and water are the first things you need to grab -- not the camera -- before the herb paste gets smeared all over everything.

Or when I was trying to man the door before the egg hunt, surrounded by several rabid kids and several toddlers who honestly had no idea what was going on, but thought going outside sounded fun. I think if I'd had the camera then it would have gotten smashed in the melee.

Or when I found a slug inside one of Naomi's Easter eggs she'd just found in the hunt. I'm sure the look on my face was priceless, but I'm glad it's not caught for posterity.

Luckily, others had cameras for the egg hunts and caught moments that were truly cute and memorable. Perhaps I'll post some soon.

I would have liked to capture the girls together in their matching Easter dresses with their new Easter sandals. Hannah also had a special hair decoration and the gloves that her dear aunt had given her for Easter. And the two seconds that Naomi wore her new headband with the bow on it were so cute, but I probably wouldn't have been fast enough with the camera to capture those two seconds, anyway.

SO...hopefully that gives you a bit more of a picture of our Easter, even if I haven't posted any actual pictures.

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