Well, we’ve made it to blackberry picking time! And we went picking the other day with some friends. It was great! We got a bunch of blackberries and we’re going to try to bribe Michael to make a pie. We also ate a whole BUNCH of blackberries while picking, if you can believe that.
Blackberries are the coolest, because they are noxious weeds. This means that if they’re in your yard, they are ridiculously difficult to get rid of. It also means that you don’t have to PAY for blackberries when you pick them because they grow EVERYWHERE. You just have to be careful that you choose to pick them in a place that doesn’t spray them with nasty chemicals…since they’re noxious weeds and all.
Simeon has enjoyed most of the picking expeditions this summer, but he really loved this one. He managed to convince everyone to feed him. He had me, Hannah, Naomi, and the three friends picking with us all feeding him berries. This included the little girl who is not yet two. In fact, she probably had the most fun with it. And I can tell you that there is not much cuter than an almost-two-year-old feeding an almost-one-year-old blackberries.
Simeon also learned to sign “Please” on this expedition, because I apparently wasn’t bringing to the berries fast enough at lunch time, and he needed a way to speed things along. I can tell you that there is not much cuter than Simeon, with hands and face covered in berry juice, signing “please.”
Okay, we get a lot of cuteness around here.
Hannah had prepared for the expedition by using heavy paper stock and her tape (yes, her birthday tape! She’s on the third roll.) and paper towels to make little baskets for herself and Naomi. She had made her basket the day before. When she realized that I wasn’t going to leave for picking at 7 a.m. and that Naomi didn’t have a basket, she had time to make another one. Then she made a big one in which to empty the little ones.
There was another family who came and picked near where we were picking. They spent a good deal of time instructing their children not to pick – Mommy and Daddy were going to pick – and telling them that no, they couldn’t eat the berries now, they had to be taken home and washed. I was somewhat amused, since the kids no doubt looked over at us, with 4 kids and 2 adults picking, everyone eating berries as they picked, and a steady stream of berries being fed to the baby. Hmmm…how do we join their picking party?

Hannah was glad when this family moved on, since they were picking our berries. I couldn’t convince her that berries in a public park – particularly unpicked berries in a public park – were not really ours.
This was Naomi’s first experience with picking blackberries, and I thought the thorns might deter her. Not a bit of it – once she was warned about them, she was very careful, but she wasn’t about to slow down. She did get upset when her basket got knocked over and the opportunistic tendencies of the other kids led them to start eating her berries. But really, who could blame her for that?
Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries. MMMMMM…summer brings some good things.