Friday, October 31, 2008

Some confusion

This morning, Naomi woke up. "I want some candy!" she said.

"Oh, well, we won't have candy until after trick-or-treating." (I was wondering to myself why she thought we'd be having candy before breakfast anyway, even on Halloween.)

This announcement was greeted with weeping.

Naomi did not necessarily understand the concept of Halloween, but I'm sure she will after this evening.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Time outs

can sometimes be quite upsetting for a 2 1/2 year old. The other day, Mimi was in time out for some problem, crying and making nonsense noises, and suddenly she yelled, "I'm telling Michael!"

Berenstain Bears

We're playing Berenstain Bears these days at our house. I'm Mama, Michael is Papa, Hannah is Sister, Naomi is Honey, and Simeon is Brother. Since Gran and Grandpa Joe are here, they get the distinction of being Grizzly Gramps and Grizzly Gran. Grandpa Joe may have the privilege of having that nickname stick; Naomi has switched to calling him Grizzly Gramps regularly: "Grizzly Gramps, will you please cut my chicken?"

Friday, October 17, 2008

Speculation about the future

At dinner, Hannah said, "Maybe Simeon will one day have a family of his own!"

I added, "Maybe so. Or maybe he'll be a priest."

Naomi then piped up with, "Or maybe he'll be a scary tiger."

Mom and I were struggling to keep from laughing out loud when Hannah, with some confusion, asked, "For Halloween?"

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Halloween is coming

and we're getting ready.

He's home and happy to be adored

And here are some pictures to prove it.